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SABRE GEAR TECHNICAL MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib.John Deere Sabre Manual Pdf by PDFS-Manuals - Issuu

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Release pressure and remove retaining washer and spring 5. Remove valve seal and washer. Repeat procedure on other valve. If the valve is badly burned, it should be replaced. Replace valve if margin is 0. Valve seats are not replaceable. Inspect valve springs and replace if broken or worn. Inspect valve guides by inserting plug gauge into valve guide. If plug gauge inserts 6. If plug gauge is not available, the rejection dimension for both intake and exhaust valve guides is 6. Specification: Valve Seat Width.

Rocker Arm Stud. Valve seats can be reconditioned using Valve Seat Cutter. Remove grinding marks and assure a good seal between valve and seat. Thoroughly clean lapping compound from valve seat and valve face. Valve seat width should be 1. If seat is wider, it may be narrowed using Valve Seat Cutter. Coat rocker arm studs with hardening sealant. Install rocker arm studs and tighten to 9. Valve stems and guides must be free of foreign material and burrs or valve sticking will occur and valve stem seals will be damaged.

Oil inside diameter of valve stem seal with engine oil and install on valve stem. Press seal down over valve guide. Lightly coat valve stems with a valve guide lubricant and install valve into valve guide. NOTE: Be sure valve guide lubricant is not on valve face, valve seat, or exposed end of valve stem. Drain oil from sump. Remove all rust, foreign material and burrs from crankshaft. Remove sump screws and remove sump and sump gasket. Place valve spring over valve stem. Place retainer on spring and with thumbs on retainer press on retainer to compress spring.

Compress spring until valve stem extends through large end of retainer slot. Continue to press until small end of slot can slide into groove on valve stem. Be sure retainer is fully engaged in valve stem groove. Install cylinder head on engine block. Set valve clearance. Inspect governor gear and bearing, flyweight pivots, and governor cup for wear or damage. Before installing sump, be sure that governor cup is in line with governor shaft paddle. Install sump and gasket being sure screw 9 has nonhardening sealant on the threads.

Tighten all screws using the pattern indicated above to Complete installation of remaining governor linkage and carburetor.

Adjust governor. The oil pump is driven by the lower end of the cam gear. This system does not supply oil under pressure to any of the bearings. This system only pumps oil to the oil filter and back to the crankcase for filtration purposes.

Drain oil from sump and filter. Remove all rust, foreign material and burrs from the bottom of the crankcase and the crankshaft. Remove the inner and outer rotors. Inspect surfaces of the rotors, pump housing, cover and shaft for wear and scoring. Inspect pump housing for debris. Clean as needed. Replace any worn or damaged components. If debris as found the sump should be removed for cleaning and replacement of the oil screen. This will prevent warping or breakage of the sump cover.

Using a punch through the slots in the oil pump housing, press the oil screen out of the sump. Press a new screen filter into the sump with the hole in the back of the screen oriented away from the governor shaft. Lightly coat the rotors with clean motor oil and install the inner then the outer rotor. Insert the o-ring into the o-ring groove in the sump and secure cover with the three screws. Tighten the screws to 9. Specifications: Sump Cover. Oil Pump Cover. Remove air filter and bracket, upper blower housing, flywheel, alternator, carburetor and governor linkage.

Remove starter, cylinder heads and crankcase cover. NOTE: Remove any carbon or ridge at the top of the cylinder bore. This will prevent breaking the rings when removing the piston and connecting rod from the engine. Remove the connecting rod cap. Then push the piston and connecting rod out through the top of the cylinder. IMPORTANT: New piston rings must be installed whenever the engine is disassembled for major servicing or overhaul, providing that cylinder bores are within specifications.

NOTE: Measure cylinder bores before checking pistons and rings. If cylinder bores require resizing it will not be necessary to check pistons and rings since a new oversized piston assembly will be used. If cylinder bore is more than 0. IMPORTANT: When servicing pistons, rings, piston pins or rods, each rod, piston, piston pin and ring set must be kept as a set for the cylinder that it was removed from.

Mark each set before removing from the engine. To remove connecting rod from piston, rotate piston pin retainer until one end is exposed in notch in piston pin bore. With a needle nose pliers, grasp end of piston pin retainer and pull in and up to remove. From opposite side of piston, push piston pin out of piston and connecting rod. Piston pin is a push fit in piston and rod. Deposits may build up on piston. Spiral top oil control ring from oil ring groove into center compression ring groove.

Repeat into top compression ring groove, and then off piston. Repeat for bottom oil control ring. NOTE: If the cylinder is to be resized, there is no reason to check the piston, since a new oversized piston assembly will be used. If however, the cylinder is not to be resized and the piston shows no signs of wear or scoring, the piston rings must be replaced. Clean carbon from top two ring grooves. Place a new ring in each piston groove.

Insert old rings one at a time approximately Check end gap with feeler gauge. If ring gap is greater than 0. Never reuse worn piston rings. Wear gloves or cover rings with a rag. The top and bottom edges of the ring may be extremely sharp. Personal injury to hand could occur. NOTE: Before installing new piston rings, the cylinder bore should be reconditioned using a rigid hone with finishing stones.

This will restore the proper cross hatch angle in the cylinder bores. The correct cylinder cross hatch ensures proper lubrication and piston ring rotation. If the crankpin bearing in the connecting rod is scored, the rod must be replaced. Reject size of crankpin bearing and piston pin bearing is as follows: Specifications: Crankpin bearing. Piston pin bearing. Replace connecting rod if either bore is worn. If piston pin is worn 0. Reject sizes for piston pin and piston pin bore are as follows: Specifications: Piston pin.

Piston pin bore. The correct piston ring positions are shown above. Install oil ring expander coil spring first. Spiral oil control ring into top ring groove, then into second ring groove and into position over expander coil spring. Using ring expander, install center compression ring then, top compression ring as shown above. Projections Ring Compressor. The piston pin is a slip fit in both piston and connecting rod. Use a thin nose pliers or screwdriver and install a piston pin lock in groove on one side of piston.

Piston must be installed with notch or arrow toward flywheel side of cylinder. Dot on piston can face either direction. Insert piston pin from opposite side of piston until pin stops against piston pin lock. Then install other piston pin lock.

Be sure both locks are seated in grooves. Apply oil to piston rings, piston skirt. Place piston and ring compressor upside down on bench and push down until head of piston and edge of ring compressor are even. Tighten ring compressor until rings are fully. Then loosen ring compressor very slightly so that compressor can be rotated on piston skirt while holding connecting rod. NOTE: The pistons have offset piston pin bores. Position the notch or arrow on piston is facing toward the flywheel side of engine.

NOTE: Failure to use a torque wrench can result in loose connecting rods causing breakage, or tight connecting rods causing scoring. Rotate crankshaft two 2 revolutions to check for binding.

Rod should also be free to slide sideways on crankpin. Thoroughly clean and then oil cylinder bore. Rotate crankshaft until crankpin journal is at bottom of stroke. This permits complete entry of compressed rings, piston and rod assembly, when pushed into cylinder.

Clean and oil crankshaft crankpin. Pull connecting rod against crankpin. Install rod cap with match marks aligned. Install connecting rod screws and tighten to. Always inspect cylinder after engine has been disassembled. Visual inspection will show if there are any cracks, stripped bolt holes, broken fins or if the cylinder walls are damaged.

Use a telescoping gauge, and dial caliper, or an inside micrometer to determine the size of the cylinder bore. Measure at right angles. Specifications: Standard bore size min. Standard bore size max. If the cylinder bore is more than 0.

If cylinder bores are within specification and show no signs of scoring or other damage, new pistons rings may be installed providing the cylinder bores are reconditioned using a rigid hone with finishing stones. The proper cylinder cross hatch ensures proper lubrication and piston ring rotation. The cylinder finish, Cross Hatch should be applied after cylinder bore has been resized to within 0.

The finishing stones will produce the correct cross hatch necessary for proper lubrication and piston ring rotation. It is recommended that the cylinder bores be reconditioned to restore the cross hatch when new piston rings are to be installed in a cylinder that is within specification. Be careful not to hone oversize or it will be necessary to resize the cylinder.

NOTE: To produce the proper cross hatch finish use a drill speed of approximately rpm and 40— 60 strokes per minute. Lubricate hone liberally to prevent build up on finishing stones.

First wash the cylinder and crankcase carefully in a solvent such as kerosene or commercial solvent. Then thoroughly wash cylinder and crankcase using a stiff brush with soap and hot water, Rinse thoroughly with hot running water. Repeat washing and rinsing until all traces of honing grit are gone. Honing grit is highly abrasive and will cause rapid wear to all of the internal components of the engine unless it is completely removed.

When cylinder and crankcase have been thoroughly cleaned, use a clean white rag or napkin and wipe the cylinder bore. If honing grit is present it will appear as a gray residue on rag.

If any honing grit is evident, re-wash and rinse entire cylinder and crankcase and check again. When there is no trace of honing grit on rag, the cylinder is properly cleaned.

Then oil cylinder bore to prevent rusting. If this is done accurately, the service oversize rings and pistons will fit perfectly and proper clearances will be maintained. If a hone is used to resize the cylinder bore, place hone in middle of cylinder bore.

Tighten adjusting knob with finger until stones fit snugly against cylinder wall. Connect drive shaft to hone. Be sure that cylinder and hone are centered and aligned with drive shaft and drill spindle. Lubricate hone as recommended by hone manufacturer. The recommended drill speed is to rpm maximum and strokes per minute.

Because cylinder bores normally wear only in the area of ring travel, the cylinder bore will be round above and below ring travel. Start drill and, as hone spins, move it up and down at the bottom of the cylinder bore. Gradually increase the length of the strokes until hone travels full length of cylinder bore. Do not travel more than Lubricate hone frequently to prevent build up on stones. Check cylinder bore size frequently.

Check cylinder bores at top and bottom for burrs. Remove burrs. Cylinder head and crankcase cover surfaces must be free of burrs and gasket material. After cylinder bore has been brought to proper resizing dimension, a cross hatch must be applied to bore. If the cylinder bore is not within specifications, it will have to be resized using a boring bar or hone.

Always resize to exactly 0. Specifications: Standard bore size. Standard bore size. Flywheel should be inspected for cracks, broken flywheel fins, burrs on taper or keyway and distortion of keyway. Also check taper of crankshaft for burrs, rust or other damage. Replace crankshaft, if damaged. Before installing flywheel, clean taper and crankshaft taper removing all oil, dirt or grease.

Install flywheel. Install flywheel nut. Place flywheel strap wrench around outer rim of flywheel. While holding breaker bar, loosen flywheel nut using 24 mm socket and wrench. Place Flywheel Strap Wrench around outer rim of flywheel. While holding strap, tighten flywheel nut to Install Flywheel puller turning puller screws into flywheel puller holes evenly. Tighten puller screws equally until flywheel loosens. NOTE: Before crankcase cover is removed, it is recommended that any rust, paint or burrs be removed from power take off end of crankshaft.

This will eliminate or reduce chances of damaging the crankcase cover bearing. Drain oil from crank case. Remove flywheel. Remove crankcase cover. If crankcase cover sticks, tap lightly with soft hammer on alternate sides near dowel pins.

Tip engine over onto flywheel side of crankcase. Support engine to prevent end of crankshaft from resting on workbench. Rotate crankshaft until timing marks are aligned. With cam gear in this position, the valve tappets will remain clear of cam lobes.

Check timing gear for chipped or cracked teeth and keyway for wear. Replace timing gear, if damaged. If timing gear is chipped or cracked, also check cam gear for damage. Replace crankshaft if worn or if journals are scored. Keyways should be checked to be sure they are not worn or spread.

Remove burrs from keyway edges to prevent damaging the bearing or oil seal. Gear Teeth P. Lift out cam gear and governor assembly. Remove piston and connecting rod assemblies. Remove crankshaft from crankcase. Tappets must not be mixed. Inspect cam gear teeth, lobes and journals for wear and nicks. Cam gear journal and lobe reject sizes are as follows: Specifications:. PTO journal. Cam Lobes. Specifications: PTO journal.

Crankshaft crankpin. Install intake and exhaust valve tappets. Slide magneto side counterweight onto crankshaft. Tighten to. Place crankshaft and counterweight in a vise with soft vise jaws or shop rags to protect magneto journal. Slip link over dowel pin with rounded edge of free end up. Slide PTO side counterweight onto dowel pin and crankshaft eccentric.

Rotate crankshaft to check for binding. If binding exist, loosen screw and re-tighten screw and check again. If woodruff key was removed, install in crankshaft. Place crankshaft and counterweight assembly into block and start magneto journal into magneto bearing.

Align link with crankcase link pin and push into place. Install connecting rod on crankshaft. Install cam gear, making sure tappets clear cam lobes. Timing marks must be aligned. Install governor and oil slinger assembly. Place new crankcase cover gasket on crankcase. Take care to protect the oil seal while assembling crankcase cover. No force should be used. Tighten cover bolts to Install cylinder heads.

Install intake manifold and carburetor assembly. Install governor lever and governor springs. Install oil fill tube and dipstick assembly. Perform static governor adjustment. Install engine shrouding. Install air filter assembly. When checking the main magneto bearing, it should be replaced if scored or if not within specification. Specification: Magneto bearing reject size.

Position bearing with split line away from stake grooves. Using an arbor press and bushing driver, press in bearing until 2. Support cylinder block on arbor press and using bushing driver. Press out bearing toward inside of the block. Stack new bearing into bearing bushing. Install new oil seal using a cylinder support. Press in seal until it is flush with mounting surface. When installing new magneto side oil seal, properly support cylinder.

Press in seal until it is 1. The cylinder block must be replaced if the cam gear bearing dimensions exceed reject size. Measure cam gear bearing. Bearing is worn more then With a chisel or screwdriver and hammer, make a notch in bearing pocket opposite the split in bearing pocket. Lubricate outside surface of bearing and place on inside of cover with 4.

Using an arbor press and bushing driver, press in bearing until 3. Support crankcase cover on arbor press and using bushing driver. Press out bearing toward inside of the cover. Stake new bearing into notch created earlier. When installing new PTO oil seal, properly support cylinder. The crankcase cover must be replaced if the cam gear bearing dimensions exceed reject size. Specifications: PTO bearing. NOTE: Always install new oil seals whenever engine is disassembled for major servicing or when repairing bearings.

Always use the correct seal protector to prevent damaging oil seal. Vanguard V-Twin Type. Pressurized 69 — kPa 10 — 50 psi Oil Filter. Armature Air Gap. Wear Limit. Valve Stem Standard Dimension Intake. Valve stem Wear Limit Intake.

Valve Margin Min. Piston Pin Standard Dimension. Piston Pin Bore Standard Dimension. Ring End Gap Standard Dimension. Crankshaft Magneto Journal Standard Dimension Magneto Bearing Standard Dimension. Crankpin Standard Dimension. Cam Lobe Standard Dimension.

Connecting Rod Cap Screws. Cooling Fan Mounting Screws. Exhaust Manifold. Governor Lever Lock Nut. Intake Manifold. Oil Pump Mounting Screws. Perform a Cylinder Balance Test to determine if the problem is with one cylinder or both cylinders. Does the problem exist in just one cylinder?

This diode prevents feedback from one module to the other. Without these diodes, one magneto could fire the coil for the other magneto. If a diode fails in one of the magneto kill wires, that coil, could be fired by the other module, the result may be similar to that of an erratic running engine.

A twin cylinder engine may run adequately on one cylinder as long as the power required for the application does not exceed the power produced by the one cylinder. Choke Cable. Remove air cleaner assembly, and base. Install nuts on carburetor studs.

Loosen choke cable clamp. Move choke cable until choke is completely closed. Tighten choke cable clamp. Reason: To test proper operation of fuel shutoff solenoid. Procedure: 4. Loosen throttle cable clamp.

Move throttle cable until governor control swivel is at end of travel. Move choke lever to full choke position. Disconnect wire from solenoid.

Use the following example and insert the recorded readings to determine the percent of leakage between cylinders. What is recommended is to calculate the difference in compression readings between the two cylinders. Two methods are given in the following; one without a cylinder leak tester and one with a cylinder leak tester. Check and adjust the valves to ensure the valves have not been adjusted too tight.

If either valve is off its seat the leak test will be invalid. The engine should be run for at least 5 minutes to bring the engine to operating temperature. Remove spark plugs and ground the magnetos by attaching a jumper wire from the magneto kill circuit connector to the engine to prevent a spark that could ignite anything combustible. NOTE: If the directions that come with the tester being used are different than the following, use the directions that came with the tester.

With spark plugs removed, the magnetos must be grounded to the engine to prevent a spark that could ignite anything combustible. Insert a compression gauge into either cylinder. Turn engine over with the starter until the highest pressure reading is obtained and record reading. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with the next cylinder and record reading. If not, the intake valve will be open and the leak test will be invalid. Remove valve covers. Remove the rotating screen.

Screw the adaptor into the spark plug hole but do not attach it to the tester at this time. Pull back the locking ring and rotate the regulator knob fully counterclockwise. Connect an air line to the tester. Pull back the locking ring and rotate the regulator knob clockwise until the gauge needle rests in the SET range of the gauge. Push the locking ring towards the tester to lock it. Connect the adaptor hose to the tester and record the needle position while holding the flywheel in position with a breaker bar.

NOTE: A small amount of air escaping from the crankcase breather is normal. Loosen governor lever bolt and nut. Push on governor lever until throttle is wide open. Bend governor idle tang to obtain a slow idle of rpm. With throttle lever in SLOW idle position and engine running at governed idle, bend throttle restrictor tang so that it just contacts the governor lever.

Hold lever in this position and rotate governor shaft counterclockwise as far as it will go. Specification: M Lock nut. Move throttle lever to FAST idle position and bend fast idle tang to obtain top no load engine speed of rpm.

NOTE: Carburetor mixture adjustments must be made before adjusting governed idle, throttle restrictor and top no load rpm adjustments. Move throttle lever to SLOW idle position. Remove limiter cap. Turn idle mixture screw clockwise until it just seats. This setting will allow the engine to start. NOTE: All carburetor adjustments with engine running must be made with the air cleaner installed. Install air cleaner base and air cleaner. Start and run engine for 5 minutes to allow engine to reach operating temperature.

Idle Speed Screw. Turn idle mixture screw slowly clockwise until engine speed just starts to slow Lean Mixture. Turn idle mixture screw slowly counter-clockwise until engine speed just starts to slow Rich Mixture.

Turn screw to the midpoint between rich and lean settings. Hold throttle lever against idle speed adjustment screw and readjust idle speed to rpm. Release throttle lever and note rpm. Install pulse tachometer Hold throttle lever against idle speed screw and temporarily adjust idle speed to rpm. If necessary bend idle tang to obtain rpm. Position limiter cap so that stops on limiter cap are at midpoint between stops on carburetor. With throttle lever in the SLOW position and engine running at governed idle rpm, bend throttle restrictor tang so that it just contacts governor lever.

Move throttle lever to FAST position. NOTE: Correct position of crankshaft is necessary to eliminate interference by the compression release mechanism on the cam gear when adjusting valve clearance.

Remove valve cover. Valve Clearance. To determine if both cylinders are operating to their full potential. Ground out one cylinder with screw driver. Note rpm on tachometer. Remove screw drive and allow engine to recover. Ground second cylinder with screw driver. To verify that the engine has enough oil pressure to lubricate the internal engine components.

Disconnect spark plug high tension lead. Connect spark tester to spark plug and high tension lead. Start engine and note spark at tester. Shut engine off. Repeat steps 1 — 3 for second cylinder. Connect engine tachometer. Start engine and run at top no load speed.

Ground Screw Driver. The connector pipe thread NPT also matches the oil pressure switch port on early Kohler engines. Perform test procedure with engine level. Stop engine. Disconnect spark plug wire and allow engine to cool. Drain engine oil from oil filter. Remove oil filter and wipe filter base clean. Install pre-assembled adapter, connector, hose assembly, coupler, and gauge on to oil filter base. ONLY hand-tighten adapter to oil filter base.

Check crankcase oil level and adjust to full mark. Monitor oil pressure during cranking, if oil pressure is below 28 kPa 4 psi — STOP engine immediately and correct cause before continuing. Connect spark plug wire. Engine components are HOT. DO NOT touch with bare skin. Wear protective eye glasses and clothing. Stop engine and allow to cool. Remove adapter, connector, hose assembly, coupler, and gauge.

Install new oil filter. Run engine for 30 seconds and stop engine. Remove rotating screen. Remove fuel pump and bracket. Disconnect upper bolt on dipstick tube. Remove top carburetor access plate. Remove upper blower housing.

To service pre-cleaner round dual element, remove cover assembly. Slide foam pre-cleaner off cartridge. Reinstall cartridge, cover plate, knob and precleaner. Reinstall air cleaner cover. NOTE: The engine is equipped with fuel shutoff solenoid. The blower housing should be removed so that the solenoid wire can be properly routed during reassembly. Disconnect fuel shutoff solenoid wire from equipment switch wire. Remove air cleaner base and breather tube. Gasoline is extremely flammable.

Remove air cleaner bracket. Remove two screws and choke control bracket. Disconnect choke link from carburetor. Remove fuel line clamp and fuel line from carburetor. Remove carburetor, gaskets and spacer. Install spacer, gaskets and carburetor.

Connect governor link to throttle lever and snap retainer over link. Improper installation can cause engine damage. Install air cleaner cartridge, pre-cleaner and cover. Install choke link on choke lever on carburetor. Connect link to choke control lever and install choke control bracket. Air Inlet Tube. Then install governor link spring in loop on retainer.

Install blower housing and rotating screen. Install fuel pump and bracket and connect fuel line to carburetor. Rotate fuel line clamp so that it will not interfere with carburetor cover. DO NOT install carburetor cover at this time. Observe position of bowl drain screw to aid in reassembly.

Remove fuel shutoff solenoid and washer and bowl. Install new air cleaner mounting gasket with adhesive side toward air cleaner base. Guide breather tube onto nipple on breather and install air cleaner base on carburetor mounting studs. Install carburetor shield. Install nuts and screws finger tight. Specifications: Air cleaner bracket.

Choke control bracket. The idle mixture valve is equipped with a adjustment limiter cap. Use pliers to remove the cap. Remove the idle mixture valve. When the fixed main jet has been removed, the high speed nozzle can be removed.

Reach into carburetor throat with a flat blade screw driver and push the high speed nozzle up through fixed main jet tube. Remove two screws holding throttle valve to throttle shaft and remove throttle valve. Welch Plug. To remove throttle shaft it is necessary to first remove welch plug from side of carburetor. Use a punch to pry plug out. Snap Ring Washer. Remove external snap ring and throttle shaft washer. Remove throttle shaft, throttle shaft collar and M Check all mating surfaces for nicks, burrs, foreign material, or cracks.

Replace all damaged parts. NOTE: The choke shaft has a ball and spring that keeps tension on the choke shaft. Use care when removing choke shaft. Remove choke valve screw and choke valve. Remove E- ring, then remove choke shaft, washer and felt seal. Inspect throttle and choke shaft and bushings for wear. Wear between throttle shaft and bushing should not exceed 0.

Check wear by placing carburetor on a flat surface. Measure the distance between the throttle lever and flat surface with a feeler gauge while moving shaft up and down. If the difference is greater than 0. Wear on the throttle shaft can be checked by comparing the worn and unworn portions of the shaft. Choke shaft and bushings are checked in the same manner. Throttle and choke shaft are replaceable. If throttle or choke shaft bushings are worn, replace carburetor. Install throttle valve on shaft with numbers down.

With throttle valve in closed position, tighten screws securely. Then install new welch plug in side of carburetor body. Use a round punch and tap in plug until it is flat. Use a sealant on outside diameter of plug to prevent air leaks. Install new secondary idle port welch plug. Install new E-ring, washer and felt seal onto choke shaft.

Insert spring and check ball in to spring pocket. Push choke shaft into hole until ball engages groove in choke shaft. Place choke valve onto flat on choke shaft with flat edge of choke valve up and dimples down.

With choke valve in closed position, install and tighten screw securely. Install throttle shaft seal with sealing lip out. Slide collar over throttle shaft and insert throttle shaft through carburetor body. Place washer over end of throttle shaft and install new snap ring. Numbers Down M Install carburetor bowl gasket in carburetor body groove. Make sure gasket does not twist or kink.

Hold carburetor in vertical position, with float hinge up. The float should be parallel with carburetor bowl mounting surface. If not, bend tang. DO NOT press on float to adjust. NOTE: Special high altitude jets may be required in certain areas. Remove two capscrews securing heat shield to frame. Install bowl, washer and screw or fuel shutoff solenoid and washer. Position bowl drain. Disconnect hose clamp A and slide fuel line off hose barb on fuel filter.

Disconnect wires from starter terminal B. Install engine in mower frame. Secure with two capscrews to front frame mounting brackets. Remove two capscrews E securing belt guard bracket. Remove bracket and belt guard F. Remove traction drive belt G. Remove capscrew H securing pulley assembly to engine output shaft.

Remove pulley assembly. Connect wires to starter terminal B. Connect two 2 harness connectors C. Connect fuel line and clamp A. Remove front and side cylinder air guides. Install right, front and side cylinder air guides. Install carburetor. Install carburetor linkage. Install upper blower housing. Connect and adjust throttle cable I to obtain full throttle when lever is full forward, and idle when lever is rearward.

Connect and adjust choke cable to obtain full choke when choke knob is pulled out, and choke is fully open when choke knob is fully seated. Remove air filter assembly. Remove cylinder air guides. Disconnect carburetor linkage. Remove carburetor. Put mower drive belt E on engine drive sheave. Push drive belt tension rod F into bracket G. Remove wood blocks from both sides of mower. Level mower. See Leveling Mower in Operating the Mower section.

M Install Mower Discharge Chute Perform all six Tests. Be alert to the potential for personal injury when you see this safety- alert symbol. Adjust or service brakes as necessary. Be sure hardware is tight. Children are attracted to mowing activity, stay alert to the presence of children. Gear Only: Push clutch pedal A all the way down. Exhaust fumes are dangerous. If engine does not start: Wait two minutes before you try again. Keep air intake screen A on top of engine clean. Push down on brake pedal C.

Page 27 Use the following checkout procedure to check for normal operation of tractor. See your Sabre Service Center for service. Perform these tests in a clear open area. Keep bystanders away. Operator on seat. LOCK the park brake. Try to start engine.

If engine starts, there is a problem with your safety interlock circuit. M Test 4 1. Lock the park brake. Raise up off of seat. DO NOT get off tractor. Test Reverse Implement Option: 1. Start engine. Engage PTO to start attachment. Look behind the vehicle to be sure there are no bystanders. Use of such equipment could result in damage to transmission components. This tractor is not intended for use with ground engaging equipment such as a rear tiller, disk, blade or plow.

Tie excess rim chain links G back to the rim chain. The chain should be as tight as possible by hand. Unhook the fastener and repeat Step 5 if the chain is loose. Keep people and pets out of mowing area. Park tractor on a hard, level surface. Stop engine and remove key. Adjust cutting height to 50 mm 2 in. See Adjusting Cutting Height in this section. NOTE: Mower gage wheels should not contact the ground. Be careful, sharp edges on mower blades. Always wear gloves when handling mower blades.

NOTE: Mower gage wheels should not contact the ground during leveling. Machine may require minutes warm-up period before engaging the mower deck. START engine. STOP machine. If a number changes, your dealer will have the latest number. Keep area clean and dry. Keep safety devices in place and in working condition. Keep hardware tight. Service procedures included in this manual but not on this chart are to be performed on an as needed basis.

Be sure shields are secure. Inspect blades. Service Interval Chart - Page Warranty repairs must be performed by an authorized John Deere dealer. Run engine to warm oil. Park tractor on level surface. STOP engine and remove key. Remove drain plug A and drain oil into oil drain pan. Replace drain plug. Remove dipstick B and refill with new oil of recommended grade. Lift hood. Clean any dirt and debris from the air cleaner before removing cover. Stop engine. Remove key. Disconnect spark plug wires A , one on each side, and remove spark plugs.

Park machine on level surface. M Service Mower - Page Remove three cap screws and belt shields A. Put drive belt tension rod B in the released position as shown and disconnect idler spring C.

Remove mower belt D. Clean upper mower deck and sheaves. Raise mower deck to gain access to mower blades. If necessary, remove mower deck. Using a wooden block, prevent mower blades from spinning. Sharpen blades with grinder, hand file or electric blade sharpener. Keep original bevel A when you grind. Blade should have 0. It is strong enough to burn skin, eat holes in clothing, and cause blindness if splashed into eyes.


SABRE GV OPERATOR'S MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib - Troubleshooting


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John deere sabre manual download


It is a part of a total product support program. The manual is organized so that all the information on a particular system is kept together.

The order of grouping is as follows:. Depending on the particular section or system being covered, not all of the above groups may be used. Each section will be identified with a symbol rather than a number. The groups and pages within a section will be consecutively numbered.

We appreciate your input on this manual. If you find any errors, or want to comment on the layout of the manual, please mail your comments back to us. All information, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on the latest information available at the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice. This is the safety-alert symbol.

When you see this symbol on your machine or in this manual, be alert to the potential for personal injury. Follow recommended precautions and safe servicing practices.

When you work around fuel, do not smoke or work near heaters or other fire hazards. Store flammable fluids away from fire hazards. Do not incinerate or puncture pressurized containers. Make sure machine is clean of trash, grease, and debris. Do not store oily rags; they can ignite and burn spontaneously. Be prepared if a fire starts. Keep a first aid kit and fire extinguisher handy. Keep emergency numbers for doctors, ambulance service, hospital, and fire department near your telephone. Replace missing or damaged safety signs.

Battery gas can explode. Use a volt-meter or hydrometer. It is strong enough to burn skin, eat holes in clothing, and cause blindness if splashed into eyes. Filling batteries in a well-ventilated area. Wearing eye protection and rubber gloves. Avoiding breathing fumes when electrolyte is added.

Avoiding spilling or dripping electrolyte. Use proper jump start procedure. Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious injury.

Avoid injury from escaping fluid under pressure by stopping the engine and relieving pressure in the system before disconnecting or connecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all connections before applying pressure. Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard. Protect hands and body from high pressure fluids. If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately.

Any fluid injected into the skin must be surgically removed within a few hours or gangrene may result. Doctors unfamiliar with this type of injury should reference a knowledgeable medical source. Flush your skin with water. Apply baking soda or lime to help neutralize the acid. Get medical attention immediately. Drink large amounts of water or milk. Then drink milk of magnesia, beaten eggs, or vegetable oil. Flammable spray can be generated by heating near pressurized fluid lines, resulting in severe burns to yourself and bystanders.

Do not heat by welding, soldering, or using a torch near pressurized fluid lines or other flammable materials. Pressurized lines can be accidentally cut when heat goes beyond the immediate flame area. Wear close fitting clothing and safety equipment appropriate to the job. Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause impairment or loss of hearing. Wear a suitable hearing protective device such as earmuffs or earplugs to protect against objectionable or uncomfortable loud noises.

Operating equipment safely requires the full attention of the operator. Do not wear radio or music headphones while operating machine. Before working on the machine: 1. Lower all equipment to the ground. Stop the engine and remove the key. Disconnect the battery ground strap. Tie long hair behind your head. Do not wear a necktie, scarf, loose clothing, or necklace when you work near machine tools or moving parts.

If these items were to get caught, severe injury could result. Remove rings and other jewelry to prevent electrical shorts and entanglement in moving parts. Use Proper Tools Use tools appropriate to the work. Makeshift tools and procedures can create safety hazards. Use power tools only to loosen threaded parts and fasteners. For loosening and tightening hardware, use the correct size tools. Avoid bodily injury caused by slipping wrenches. Use only service parts meeting John Deere specifications.

If you must work on a lifted machine or attachment, securely support the machine or attachment. Do not support the machine on cinder blocks, hollow tiles, or props that may crumble under continuous load.

Do not work under a machine that is supported solely by a jack. Follow recommended procedures in this manual. Lifting heavy components incorrectly can cause severe injury or machine damage. Follow recommended procedure for removal and installation of components in the manual. Work In Clean Area Before starting a job: 1. Clean work area and machine. Make sure you have all necessary tools to do your job. Have the right parts on hand. Read all instructions thoroughly; do not attempt shortcuts.

Reduce pressure and spray at a 45 to 90 degree angle. Avoid breathing dust that may be generated when handling components containing asbestos fibers. Inhaled asbestos fibers may cause lung cancer. Illuminate Work Area Safely Illuminate your work area adequately but safely. Use a portable safety light for working inside or under the machine.

Make sure the bulb is enclosed by a wire cage. The hot filament of an accidentally broken bulb can ignite spilled fuel or oil. Components in products that may contain asbestos fibers are brake pads, brake band and lining assemblies, clutch plates, and some gaskets.

The asbestos used in these components is usually found in a resin or sealed in some way. Normal handling is not hazardous as long as airborne dust containing asbestos is not generated. Avoid creating dust. Never use compressed air for cleaning. Avoid brushing or grinding material containing asbestos. When servicing, wear an approved respirator. A special vacuum cleaner is recommended to clean asbestos.

If not available, apply a mist of oil or water on the material containing asbestos. Keep bystanders away from the area. Engine exhaust fumes can cause sickness or death.

If it is necessary to run an engine in an enclosed area, remove the exhaust fumes from the area with an exhaust pipe extension. If you do not have an exhaust pipe extension, open the doors and get outside air into the area. Gasoline engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.

Hazardous fumes can be generated when paint is heated by welding, soldering, or using a torch. Do all work outside or in a well ventilated area.

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